Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Decapitation Leads to Blindness

My friends and relatives have been telling me for years that I need to write down all of the brilliant things that come out of my now five year old daughter's mouth. For  example when she was four and I was going over my to do list out loud (yes, yes I talk to myself), she came up to me, sweetly patted me on the hand and said "Mommy, I really wish you'd quit that, it makes you sound crazy." Shortly before she turned five, as I was getting up off the floor after helping her practice her karate she says "mommy, when you bend that way, you look like you're going to have a baby."

Last night her story was finally over the top, and it pushed me to start this blog. We're buckling up our seat belts after getting in the car "Mommy, my teacher told me that her friend wasn't wearing a seatbelt and she was in a wreck and she went through the window." "Oh no," I said, "was she OK?" Kaylee responded "well, it cut her head off." So I said, "then what happened?" At this point I expected my child to respond that the lady had died, showing that she understood the moral of the story. Instead, Kaylee said "I think she couldn't see anymore after that." 

So ladies and gentlemen, let this be a warning, if you are decapitated, you will also be blind. 


  1. This is my favorite Public Service Announcement.

    1. That's my child - looking out for everyone's safety...
